Buckley named Motor Carrier Inspector of the Year

Indiana State Police say that the 2018 Indiana State Police Motor Carrier Inspector of the Year Award is Michael Buckley, of Decatur County. Buckley works in the Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Division at the Seymour and West Harrison Weigh Stations. In 2018, Buckley accounted for:
793 Commercial Vehicle Inspections
87 Out-of-Service Violations
Made five public appearances at events such as job fairs, carrier safety meetings, and recruit testing events
Recovered two missing children/runaways in two separate events while working the Seymour station
Buckley, a 2016 graduate of the Indiana State Police Motor Carrier Inspector Recruit Academy, is a native of Rushville. He went to the Indiana State Police after retiring from the Rushville Fire Department where he served 32 years and retired as a Captain.