Police plan to continue saving lives of overdose victims

As communities across the country deal with the opiate drug epidemic, some are trying to scale back the use of Naloxone also known as Narcan — a drug antidote which can rescue an overdose victim from the brink of death.

Some communities have even gone as far as forbidding police officers from using the antidote on repeat victims.

But with nearly 30 overdose deaths this year alone in Bartholomew County, local authorities say that is not happening here. Lt Matt Harris with the Columbus police said that the department believes it is important first to protect lives.

Harris said that the use of Narcan has saved many lives in the city.

Harris said that the drug has proven itself to be a cost effective way to save lives.

Harris says that for many of those with addictions it takes several times hitting rock bottom before they can make the decision to turn their lives around.


Bartholomew County Sheriff Matt Myers said that it doesn’t matter to him how many times a single person may need to be revived with Narcan..

Myers said his deputies are in the business of saving lives.

Myers said he is willing to stake his career on the importance of helping those who are overdosing.


Bartholomew County Coroner Clayton Nolting said last week that there had been 29 overdose deaths of all types in the county so far this year, with 23 confirmed as opiate overdoses and two to three more he expected would be confirmed after toxicology results are complete.