CFD adds rescue unit to reserve fleet

The Columbus Fire Department has added a rescue unit to its reserve fleet after a two-year capital funding project. Capt. Mike Wilson, department spokesman, says Squad 5, formerly under the call sign of Squad 2, was placed into reserve status on November 9th at Columbus Fire Station 5. He explains that the 1998 Pierce manufactured rescue squad served as the department’s specialized rescue unit until early this year. In 2017, the Columbus Fire Department purchased a new heavy rescue unit to replace it at a cost of $ 452,816. In February of this year, CFD transferred the Squad 2 call sign after the delivery of the new heavy rescue unit. Squad 2 is housed at Station 2 on Arnold Street.
Columbus Fire Chief Mike Compton, said that the department requested the $150,000 refurbishment request after evaluating the current and future service area and delivery needs of the community, particularly on the west side of Columbus and Bartholomew County. In addition, the refurbished squad was outfitted with updated extrication equipment. Wilson says the reserve unit will primarily be utilized for mutual aid calls within the county during an instance when Squad 2 is already dedicated to an emergency call.
According to Columbus Fire Department data, one third of all motor vehicle extrications from 2013 to 2018 occurred within the western census tracts of Bartholomew County. Chief Compton said the decision to place the reserve unit at Station 5 is a proactive approach to prepare for the increase in train traffic expected to hit our area, as well as the upcoming construction on the west-side State Road 46 overpass.