Sammie Finally Hangin’ It Up…

Johnny-on-the-Spot … by John Foster …

My dear friend and long-time work mate, Samuel P. Simmermaker is finally retiring.

It’s officials after Friday, May 24th, 2024.

After 64 years behind the microphone.

That’s 23,522 days.

With the same company.

In radio, that’s unheard of.

Most broadcaster’s resume’s look like the small town run of the Greyhound bus lines and most don ‘t exceed 15-20 total years.

Sam’s been in Columbus, Indiana at 1010 WCSI-AM since January 1st, 1960.

He started here 10 years after I was born.

Sam has been doing high school play-by-play sports that now he’s announcing the names of grandkids of the stars when they were in high school.

I’ve had the distinct please to do high school baseball and softball in the spring with him for several years.

I do the call for the 1st two innings, then we alternate two innings at a time until the game is final.

His pre-game preparation is impeccable.

Prior to every game, he’ll scribble out his opening comments.

Every game.

Never fails.

Sixty four years.

I drive the station van to the game sites but we have this little routine we go through in the lobby.

“Sam, ready to roll? I’ll drive.”

Sam groans, “Oh if you really want to, alright.”

I think one of the reasons Sam and I have clicked is the fact he liked to arrive early.

We’d both rather get all set up and be ready to broadcast long before the game starts.

We’re both sorta “numbers guys” so I like to pour over the team stats and fine little quirks or oddities we can toss in during the game broadcasts.

We are both “wordsmiths” of sorts and love to find places to squeeze multi-syllable words into the call.

Dad jokes?

Sam and I have been doing them since before they were called “Dad jokes”.

More like “puns” or “groaners”.

It’s never planned but once it gets started, hang on!

That’s what I admire most about my 92 year old radio sidekick.

He’s awfully sharp.

You gotta be on your verbal toes or he’ll sneak one in on you.

Beware alliterations, too.

And, when the score is tied @ 2 all in the 2nd inning with 2 on and the count is 2 and 2 on the 2nd base batter who just happens to wear #2, well, we’ve achieved baseball karma.

Sam is a St. Louis Cardinals baseball fan.

I’m a Cleveland fan.

But while I have other pro sports interests, Sam is all about Cardinal baseball.

He usually dons a Cardinals baseball cap and a Cards jacket when cool enough.

I suspect he might be wearing Cardinal underwear but I’ve never pushed the issue.

Even though Sam retires on the 24th, he has agreed to finish the current baseball season and I’m hoping for a long run.

It would be so fitting for Sam to be sitting at Victory Field Indianapolis calling a state finals baseball contest.

The last broadcast and a possible state championship to bring home by the guy who has called Columbus home for 64 years.

Samuel P. Simmermaker.

Happy retirement…but just not yet.

As Ernie Banks once said, “Let’s play two!”

Ah, hell Sammie, let’s play -em all!

Batter up!@