Johnson County drug sweep nets local residents among 50 nabbed
A Thursday morning drug sweep by Johnson County authorities led to 50 arrests, including several local residents.
Agencies from Johnson County, Marion County and the US Marshals assisted in conducting the warrant sweep.
Sheriff Duane E. Burgess said he is proud of the work the agencies did to take the suspects off the street.
“The citizens of Johnson County need to feel safe and we need to be very vigilant in keeping our children safe from these individuals who deal in illegal narcotics,” Burgess said. “Our work isn’t complete and we will continue to work diligently to make Johnson County safe.”
Locally, the arrests included three Columbus residents, four from Edinburgh, Two from Seymour and one each from Hope, and Elizabethtown.
Those from Bartholomew County who were arrested include:
- 25-year-old Deeamonty D. Higgins of Columbus on four drug-dealing charges including methamphetamine and marijuana.
- 40-year-old Ivan Hendrickson Jr. of Columbus on a charge of aiding in the dealing of methamphetamine.
- 29-year-old Joshua Klakamp of Columbus on charges of dealing in a Schedule III drug.
- 36-year-old Adam Taylor of Hope for dealing methamphetamine.
- 45-year-old Scott Burton of Elizabethtown on charges of dealing methamphetamine.

Edinburgh residents arrested include:
John Gertchen, 48, on charges of:
- Dealing in Methamphetamine
- Dealing in Methamphetamine)
- Dealing in Methamphetamine
- Dealing in Methamphetamine
- Dealing in Schedule III Controlled Substance
Misty Karnes, 42, on charges of:
- Aiding in Dealing Methamphetamine
- Dealing in Methamphetamine
- Dealing in Methamphetamine
- Dealing Synthetic Drug
April Streeval, 59, on charges of:
- Dealing in Methamphetamine
- Dealing in Methamphetamine
William Lawson, 40, on charges of
- Dealing in Methamphetamine
Seymour residents arrested included
Brent Yates, 44, on a charge of:
- Dealing in a Narcotic Drug
Nancy Shasteen, 37, on a charge of:
- Dealing in a Narcotic Drug