80s Rocky rockers to perform here for hospice benefit

Rocky Balboa’s favorite band will be appearing in Columbus Labor Day weekend, headlining the annual hospice concert at Mill Race Park.
Survivor is slated to perform at the August concert. The band is best known for its hit “Eye of the Tiger” which was also the theme for Sylvester Stallone’s Rocky III. The band’s second big hit was “Burning Heart,” from the film Rocky IV.
The opening act will be The Woomblies Rock Orchestra from Indianapolis.
The annual hospice concert, sponsored by Faurecia, is the largest annual fundraising event for Our Hospice of South Central Indiana. The concert, in its 33rd year, is free to the public with funds being raised through sponsors, raffle ticket sales, donations, concessions and T-shirt sales.
The concert will be Saturday, Aug. 31st at Mill Race Park.
For more information, you can go to ourhospice,org.