Atterbury opening its doors to community Saturday
Camp Atterbury’s commanding officer is inviting you to come by the base on Saturday for Community Day.
This is the first base open house for Col. Felicia Brokaw.

Brokaw took over as commander in June. She is the first female commander of the Atterbury and Muscatatuck military training bases.
The community day events will include live fire exercises, music, demonstrations of helicopter rescues and dog searches, and static displays.
Many of the static displays focusing on the history of the base.
The static displays will also include displays of military vehicles and presentations by military-related organizations including the Veterans Affairs Administration and recruiters for the Indiana National Guard.
Musical performances will be by the Southern Indiana Pipes and Drums and the 38th Infantry Division Band.
The live fire demonstrations on the base’s ranges will include howitzers, grenade launchers and machine guns. Weather permitting, the 122nd Fighter Wing will provide demonstrations of the firepower of their A-10 aircraft.
Community Day at Camp Atterbury will be Sept. 8th from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., starting at Building 722. The static display area opens at 10 a.m. Live fire demonstration begins at 2 p.m.
Bus transportation will take visitors from the parking lot to the static display area, and to the ranges for the live fire exercises. Those buses are accessible to those who are disabled.