Council candidates consider capital spending plan
We asked the candidates in Bartholomew County Council District 1 and 2 in the upcoming Republican primary about county commissioners plans to spend up to $3 million dollars a year in maintenance on county buildings and roads.
The Bartholomew County Council has four members elected by geographic district who are up for election this year.
County Council District 1 covers northeastern Bartholomew County. Republicans Scott Bonnell and Marcus Speer are running to replace Councilman Chris Ogle, who opted not to seek re-election.
Bonnell said he believes that the maintenance spending is needed.
Speer said he appreciates the long-term planning
County Council District 2 covers northwestern Bartholomew County. In the Republican primary, incumbent Laura DeDemonic is being challenged by Glenn Petri.
DeDomenic explains that spending on maintenance has been lacking:
Petri said buildings are falling apart because of a lack of spending on maintenance:
The primary election is May 8th and early voting is under way at the Bartholomew County Courthouse from 8 to 5 this week.