County police dog set to undergo second surgery Thursday

Bartholomew County Sheriff’s Department police dog Bravo is on the mend and set for a second knee surgery later this week.
The sheriff’s department updated the Bartholomew County Commissioners on Bravo’s injuries and the cost to the county to put him back into the field. Capt. Dave Steinkoenig said that the department was expecting the cost of the two surgeries to cost about $8,000, with an unknown amount for rehab after the surgeries are complete.
Steinkoenig said that those rehab costs are expected to be relatively low, because most of the training would be done by the dog’s trainer, Deputy Leah Burton.
Bravo, a Belgian Malinois, has been with the sheriff’s department since last September and has participated in five foot chases, nearly 90 drug arrests and multiple warrant services. He injured his knees including an ACL tear during the course of his service to the county, but it is hard to pinpoint exactly when the injuries occurred Steinkoenig said.
Bravo’s second surgery is set for Thursday, Steinkoenig said.
The commissioners retroactively approved the expenditures for the first surgery out of the sheriff’s department budget. Steinkoenig officials said that they have received public donations to his care costs, but the exact total was not available.
Bravo is one of three police dogs serving with the sheriff’s department.
In other sheriff’s department business before the County Commissioners, a notice to bidders was approved, seeking to purchase 57 body cameras for county deputies. The County Council approved that expense earlier this month, with the commissioners making the funds available by putting off some maintenance on the Bartholomew County Courthouse.