Deputies confiscate guns after Friday incident with threats
Bartholomew County deputies used the state’s Red Flag law to confiscate firearms from a man who was making threats to harm himself or others Friday.
The person’s name and address is not being released.
Deputies report that the incident started at about 2:30 p.m. Friday afternoon when they were contacted by a woman was said she was concerned and fearful over her husband’s mental state. He was making statements about harming himself or having others harm him, and he had a history of mental health and medical issues, she said..
He had placed numerous firearms around the home and asked his wife to shoot him, according to reports. Deputies say he also threatened to draw a weapon so that responders would open fire on him.
Deputies talked to the man through an open window and saw the staged firearms, as well as a gun on his hip. After about a half hour with no progress toward a resolution, deputies grabbed the man through the window and secured him. He was then taken to Columbus Regional Hospital for evaluation.
Under the Red Flag Law, authorities are allowed to confiscate a person’s guns if it is determined that the subject is dangerous or mentally unstable. Deputies took 20 firearms from the home.
Sheriff Matt Myers said that he and his deputies support the Second Amendment but in this case they saw no other choice.