Deputies: Suspect arrested after fight for officer’s gun

Bartholomew County deputies arrested a disturbed man Sunday who claimed to be the Messiah.
The incident started at about 10:07 a.m. Sunday morning with a home alarm in the 8800 block of North County Road 600E. The homeowner arrived to find a truck in the driveway and a man in the residence. The man allegedly claimed to be Jesus, and told the homeowner that the home now belonged to him.
When deputies arrived, the man identifying himself as Jesus tried to drive away. During a struggle, the deputy used his Taser to stun the man and grab the keys. The man then tried to wrestle the deputy’s gun away from him. The deputy retained his weapon, moved away and used the Taser again to subdue the man.
The suspect was identified as 40-year-old Tony Fultz who is facing charges of residential entry, resisting law enforcement and disarming a law enforcement officer.