High response rate seen to Bartholomew broadband survey

Bartholomew County has already received more than 1,200 responses in a survey of the county’s rural broadband needs.
Tony London, incoming county commissioner and head of the county’s new rural broadband initiative told the commissioners yesterday that the number of participants in the Purdue-created survey in its first week online here has already dwarfed responses in other area communities.
Tami Hines, the county recorder, asked how rural residents without internet service could take the online-only survey. London said that many residents without home internet do have access through their phones. However, if there is anyone who wants to participate but have no way to access the survey, London said he would be happy to enter their information over the phone. He can be contacted through the County Commissioners office at 812-379-1515. You can find a link to the survey on our website. The survey continues through the end of December.