Hope police continue search for leads in missing woman case

The Hope Police Department is asking residents to search their own properties for any clues into the month-long disappearance of a local woman.
57-year-old Donna Mitchell, was last seen the evening of Feb. 11th. Family members said that she was going to a friend’s house in Letts in Decatur County at the time of her disappearance. She is believed to be driving a maroon 2004 Chevrolet Trailblazer with Indiana license plate 902 QAK.
The police department investigation reveals she was last seen at about 8 p.m.that evening. She was caught on video walking out the door of the Brown Bottle Liquor store in Hartsville and has not been seen since.
The police department reports that they have searched every conceivable route between the two towns, including an aerial search by Indiana State Police.
Now they are asking property owners between Hartsville and Letts to search their properties for any clues that may have been missed. If you come across anything, no matter how insignificant, you should contact the Hope Police Department at 812-546-4015 or 911.