Lilly Scholarship winners chosen at Hauser, CSA New Tech

Heritage Fund: The Community Foundation of Bartholomew County is announcing the winners of this year’s Lilly Scholarships — Columbus Signature Academy – New Tech High School senior Baily Tillett and Hauser Junior-Senior High School senior Riley Clark.
Tillett, the daughter of Ashleigh Shaw and the late James Tillett, plans to pursue a pre-medicine major. Clark is the daughter of Shannon and John Clark and plans to pursue a musical performance (flute) major.
Tillett has been active in Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS, Community Service Award); Student Voice (student representative); Student Ambassadors; Youth Leadership Bartholomew County; National Honor Society; Alpha Rho Tau Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society; and is a student intern at Cummins.
Clark has been active in American Legion Auxiliary Hoosier Girls State 2018 (delegate); Columbus Symphony Orchestra; Hauser Concert Band (woodwind section leader); Hauser Jazz Band (saxophone section leader); Hauser Pep/Marching Band (woodwind section leader); Hauser Student Council (class officer, treasurer); National Honor Society; Cadet Teaching; and is a peer mentor
Tillett and Clark will receive full tuition for four years to the Indiana college of their choice and a $900 annual stipend for required books and equipment. The program is sponsored by the Lilly Endowment and has been providing scholarships for 22 years.
Heritage Fund received 82 applicants for this year’s scholarships and the two winners were chosen from 10 finalists.
Other finalists included:
- Amanda Pottorff, Abigail Martin, Kamebry Wagner, and Pattsie Waltz from Columbus East High School
- Isabella Liliac, Hannah Garrity and Elias Heichelbech from Columbus North High School
- Vanessa Villalobos from Columbus Signature Academy New Tech.