More than pound of meth found in stop of Columbus driver

Two Columbus residents were arrested on drug charges after a traffic stop in southern Jackson County turned up more than pound of methamphetamine.
Indiana State Police were patrolling near the Scott and Jackson county border Tuesday when they noticed a pickup with false or fictitious plates and following other vehicles too closely in the northbound lanes of Interstate 65. After the vehicle was pulled over, troopers brought in police dog Teague who alerted to the odor of drugs. A search revealed a pound and a quarter of meth hidden under the truck. Troopers also report finding marijuana, a syringe and more than $4,500 in cash.

53-year-old Gregory S. Nasby and 46-year-old Teresa M. Burns were both arrested on preliminary charges of dealing and possessing methamphetamine and dealing marijuana. Burns is also facing a charge of possession of syringe.