New highway garage on track in Bartholomew County

Bartholomew County is on track to start construction on a new county highway garage by this summer.
Commissioner Larry Kleinhenz updated the County Council on the estimated $7 million dollar project at last night’s meeting.
Kleinhenz said the bidding will be broken into smaller segments to encourage local bidders.
He said bid documents will be distributed by April 17th, with bid awards made on May 20th. The hope is to break ground in June, Kleinhenz said.
The County Council had previously agreed to bond up to $6 million dollars for the project, with the rest coming from other county funds controlled by the commissioners. The commissioners have already trimmed some features and plan to put off other projects to reach the budgeted amount.
The new garage is planned for rural 25th Street beside the Clay Township Volunteer Fire Station on property formerly owned by the Bartholomew County Solid Waste Management district.
It must still receive approval from the Columbus Plan Commission, which is scheduled to discuss that approval this afternoon.