New public safety training center opens with festivities

Emergency workers, city officials and residents celebrated the opening of the new Evolution Training Center for Columbus and area firefighters, police and other first responders at ceremonies yesterday morning at the Columbus Air Park.
Fire Chief Andy Lay explains the capabilities of the new center at 2670 Verhulst Street.
Lay said the city’s goal is to be able to rent it out to other first responders in neighboring communities, helping pay off the cost of the facility and pay for future upgrades.
The new building includes two large classrooms, a simulated firing range for police, office space for the fire department’s training officer and a large open training space. Lay talks about other training equipment on site.
The new center opened Tuesday morning with speeches from Lay, Mayor Jim Lienhoop, former Columbus Fire Chief Mike Compton and Sgt. Tom Foust, from the Columbus Police Department.