North Vernon police arrest two fleeing from stolen Jeep

North Vernon police recovered a stolen Jeep and arrested two Michigan men in an incident earlier this week.
According to police department reports, an officer pulled over the vehicle at 9:11 p.m. Tuesday night at a bank on North State and Franklin streets for an equipment violation. But after briefly stopping, the driver then took off down an alley.
The officer began driving down Elm Street to catch the vehicle when he saw two people running across the street and through yards. They were taken into custody and were tied to items left behind in the Jeep that had been abandoned in the back yard of a home. The Jeep had been reported stolen from Michigan and had damage to its steering column.

36-year-old Dustin N. Stump, of Quincy, Michigan and 33-year-old Matthew W. Farlin of Bronson, Michigan were arrested on charges including resisting law enforcement in a vehicle, possession of a stolen vehicle, criminal trespass, disorderly conduct, criminal mischief and possession of a device to cheat a drug screen.
Inside the Jeep, police found a bottle of urine, which is illegal in Indiana.