Sheriff and Hope-area district negotiating in-school deputy

The Bartholomew County sheriff would put a full-time deputy in Flat Rock-Hawcreek schools under a proposed plan being considered for a school resource officer.
Representatives from the Flat Rock-Hawcreek schools, the town of Hope and the sheriff’s department say that in this day and age, it is a necessity to have the security that an armed officer provides.
School Board President Pat Walters talks about the need for a school resource officer, or SRO.
Flat Rock Hawcreek Schools include Hauser Jr. Sr. High School and Hope Elementary in northeastern Bartholomew County.
Sheriff Matt Myers said that he has built the proposal into next year’s budget. Myers said that the agreement would involve the schools covering the deputy’s salary and benefits, but the county would cover equipment, training, uniforms and the police vehicle. The school district has received a grant of about $30,000 to pay part of the cost for an officer in the schools.
Myers said his department is also working with Bartholomew Consolidated Schools to provide an additional school resource officer. That would augment the two officers the city of Columbus already provides.