Sheriff Myers to help lead youth ranch

Bartholomew County Sheriff Matt Myers and former Marion County Sheriff Frank Anderson have been elected by fellow lawmen to help develop and lead the non-profit Indiana Sheriffs Youth Ranch.
Recently purchased with private donations and no tax dollars, the Youth Ranch will be a permanent venue for sheriffs and deputies from across the state to mentor future law enforcement officers, bond with at-risk kids and help young witnesses and victims of crime. These include siblings, sons and daughters of fallen first responders.
Through private donations, Indiana sheriffs and deputies bought the property in Brazil, in western Indiana, to create the Indiana Sheriffs’ Youth Ranch.
Sheriff Myers and Former Sheriff Anderson will be ideal board members for our Youth Ranch, said ISYR President John Layton, also a former Marion County Sheriff. Our deputies, police officers and state troopers want the right young people to go into law enforcement for the right reasons, mentored by the right people in the right way. Matt and Frank are exactly the right people.
For more information or to make a tax-deductible donation of materials, services or money to help develop the Youth Ranch, call 833-IN-RANCH.