Silver Alert issued for missing New Albany teen

A statewide Silver Alert has been issued for a missing New Albany teen.
Authorities are investigating the disappearance of 16 year old Kevin M. Fultz Jr.. He is a white boy, 5 feet 6 inches tall and 130 pounds with sandy blond hair and brown eyes. he was last seen wearing a University of Louisville sweatshirt and blue jeans.
Authorities say he may be traveling in a 2011 Ford Focus 4 door sedan with Indiana plate 956 ZSQ. The vehicle has a red sticker with a white triangle on the trunk lid.
He was last seen at 5 a.m. this morning in New Albany and he is believed to be in extreme danger and may require medical assistance.
If you have any information on Kevin M. Fults, Jr., contact the New Albany Police Department at 812-944-6411 or 911.
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