Two arrested after pound of metamphetamine recovered

Jennings County deputies recovered a pound of methamphetamine and other drugs after a vehicle chase through the county Monday.
A deputy attempted to stop a vehicle after a traffic violation at about 8:04 p.m. Monday night on County Road 600W but instead the driver took off, according to police reports. As the vehicle fled, items were thrown out the windows, according to police.
After having its tires deflated near County Roads 550W and 300N, the vehicle drove through a field before crashing into a drainage ditch. Two men then attempted to run away before being taken into custody.
The items thrown out the window turned out to be the pound of meth and more than an ounce of heroin or fentanyl. Police also recovered $3,000 in cash from one of the men.

The driver, 43-year-old Michael Franklin of Floyds Knobs and the passenger, 51-year-old Robert Sibley of Madison, are facing charges including dealing Methamphetamine, Resisting Law Enforcement, Possession of Methamphetamine, a syringe and marijuana. Sibley’s bond is being doubled because he was already on house arrest through Jefferson County.