Two arrested on drug charges after Seymour traffic stop

Seymour police arrested two people Wednesday morning on drug-related charges after finding a gun, drugs, packaging materials and portable safes in a vehicle.
According to police reports, officers stopped a vehicle at the intersection of Brown Street and Marley Lane for an equipment violation at about 2 this morning. Seymour police dog Edi sniffed around the vehicle and alerted to the odor of drugs inside.
A search revealed several portable safes in the vehicle which contained scales, glass smoking pipes, small baggies and methamphetamine packaged for sale. Police also found a handgun in the locked glove compartment, spare ammunition in a safe and more bullets in the pocket of a passenger. A baggie with marijuana was also found on the floorboards.
Police arrested the driver, 22-year-old Hayden Gray of Brownstown and passenger 25-year-old Matthew Norman, both of Brownstown. They refused to answer any questions, police say.

Gray was arrested on preliminary charges for possessing meth, marijuana, drug paraphernalia and a handgun without a license, along with maintaining a common nuisance.
Norman is facing charges of dealing in methamphetamine, as well as possessing meth, drug paraphernalia and visiting a common nuisance.