Two people arrested after domestic disturbance ends in gunfire

Two people, one a former Bartholomew County Sheriff Merit Deputy, were arrested after a domestic disturbance ended in shots fired.
The Bartholomew County Sheriffs Deputies responded to the 2900 block of South Lake Drive Sunday shortly after 11 p.m. after dispatch received a call of a domestic disturbance with one of the parties involved being shot. When deputies arrived they located 37-year-old Hannah Tamer Bowman, who stated that she had shot her husband during an altercation while he was sitting in her vehicle.
The husband, age 49, did have injuries to his shoulder but refused medical treatment. Police say he is not cooperating with authorities in the investigation.
Police say that alcohol was present at the scene and Bowman admitted to drinking prior to the incident. A portable breath-testing device indicated she had a BAC of .215, more than two-and-a-half times the legal limit
Bowman, who left the department in 2009, was arrested on a preliminary charge of Criminal Recklessness with a Deadly Weapon. She is being held on $10,000 bond.
Police say Bowmans brother, 35-year-old Jonathan A. Lawburgh, of Scipio, showed up at the home and began fighting with deputies and other first responders.

Lawburgh was arrested preliminary charges of:
– Battery on a Public Safety Official (two counts)
– Obstruction of Justice,
– Disorderly Conduct, and
– Resisting Law Enforcement.
He has since been released on bond.