Volunteers raise money to help young firefighter after stroke

A 20-year-old volunteer firefighter is fighting for his life at an Indianapolis hospital after a heart event and stroke Sunday.
Matthew Perry is one of the youngest members of the Wayne Township Volunteer Fire Department in Jonesville. Chandra Williams, secretary/ treasurer of the fire department board explains that he was with friends on Sunday when he suffered a seizure.
A heart event had thrown a blood clot that caused a stroke. He was first taken to Columbus Regional Hospital and then to IU Methodist where he remains in the neuro ICU in a medically induced coma, as of yesterday afternoon.
Williams said that Perry serves on the fire department with his father and she sees him almost like a younger brother.
Fellow firefighters have started a Go Fund Me page and a Facebook fundraising page to help the young firefighter. Their goal is to cover his regular monthly bills while he is incapacitated and to pay down his medical debt as he begins recovering.
You can find more information at the Wayne Township Volunteer Fire Department Facebook page, or on Go Fund Me at Matt’s Road to Recovery. You can also make a donation through German American Bank.