Work on North Vernon documentary to begin in May
Work begins next month on a documentary about North Vernon. Satolli Glassmeyer is documentary filmmaker known for his series called “History in Your Own Backyard.” Glassmeyer says that he has produced more than 310 documentaries in Indiana and surrounding states. He approached the North Vernon City Council this week to gauge interest in producing a documentary for the city.
During Glassmeyer’s presentation, he said the idea behind the project is education. He says that projects like these help educate residents about their city’s past, as well as bring awareness of the area to those who may not know about it. Glassmeyer says this documentary will also serve future generations as they learn more about the city and its historic sites and buildings.
Glassmeyer says these documentaries normally cost $1,799 to produce. However, he says that a co-sponsor has agreed to cover $1,000 of the cost. Once completed, the master copy of the documentary will be delivered to city officials to use as they wish.
City Council voted to fund the project. Glassmeyer says shooting is expected to take place on Saturday, May 5th and Sunday, May 19th.